Diversity and Your Department

Resources for addressing diversity and inclusion

Tag: Community Involvement


Shin, R. (2011). Social Justice and Informal Learning: Breaking the Social Comfort Zone and Facilitating Positive Ethnic Interaction. Studies in Art Education: A Journal of Issues and Research in Art Education, 53, 71-87. (PDF)

This article proposes "informal learning" as a way to break students of culturally insensitive practices, such as stereotyping. Shin's methods also employ community involvement as a primary tool. This article would be mainly helpful to professors who are looking for new class projects and assignments.


Schwartz, M. (2012). Public Stakes, Public Stories: Service Learning in Literary Studies. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 127(4), 987-993. (PDF)

In this essay, Schwartz advocates for service-based learning, in which literature classes engage with the community as part of their curriculum. Reed does not offer many classes of this sort, but it would be potentially beneficial to examine the possibility of their inclusion into the curriculum.


Kinzer, J. (2014). Students Speak: Diversity in the Pedagogical Practices of Music in Higher Education. CMS Forums, 54.

This article features contributions from ten post-secondary music students on how to increase diversity in the music classroom. The short piece is composed of many different smaller sections that all look at the issues of music education diversity in different ways.